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Parkinson's Gym

Boxing Classes & Training


Eugene Oregon



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About Us

Our Story

Our gym is the first community-based health and wellness program for people with Parkinson’s disease in Eugene OR. Based on our experience, we have created a model fitness program that provides structure and support within a welcoming community. We offer individualized training – from stretching to boxing to improve posture, increase balance and build strength – in a fun and energizing atmosphere. Our goal is to help each student be their best self every day!



At Parkinson’s Gym, we offer a variety of fitness classes that help build strength and endurance in an upbeat, encouraging environment. Classes include boxing, yoga, stretching, balance, posture and more. We also host events such as fundraising galas meant to raise money and awareness for Parkinson’s disease. Join us today!


Parkinson’s Gym is a community of people battling Parkinson’s disease who come to exercise, interact with others, and feel better about themselves. This benefit is critical since clinical studies have shown that once you have Parkinson’s, the old adage “use it or lose it” really does apply. Exercise can help you maintain balance, flexibility, movement, and gait while slowing any decline of your condition.


exercise for people with Parkinson’s

What We Do

Our Services

We are certified boxing coaches for people with Parkinson’s disease here in Eugene OR. We first started training people with the disease out of personal inspiration because we saw that our clients who have been exercising consistently are facing a slower progression of their symptoms than others. Our clients tell us that they can walk further, think clearer, and have stepped up to more physical challenges even though prognosis has given them little hope.

What is Parkinson's Disease?

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a type of movement disorder that can affect the ability to perform common, daily activities. It is a chronic and progressive disease, meaning that the symptoms become worse over time. It is characterized by its most common of motor symptoms, tremors (a form of rhythmic shaking), stiffness or rigidity of the muscles, and slowness of movement (called bradykinesia), but also manifests in non-motor symptoms including sleep problems, constipation, anxiety, depression, and fatigue, among others.

Who Does This Disease Affect?

There are an estimated 1 million people in the U.S. living with Parkinson’s disease and more than 10 million people worldwide. Most people who develop the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease do so sometime after the age of 50, but Parkinson’s disease can affect younger persons as well. Approximately 10% of Parkinson’s diagnoses occur before age 50—these diagnoses are called Early Onset (or Young Onset) Parkinson’s disease.

What Does a Parkinson's Boxing Class Do?

Our exciting and fun boxing classes are a great way to keep your body moving. With an emphasis on fun movement and balance, we’ve designed these classes to help with gait, strength, agility, movement and stability. Parkinson’s Disease affects the transmission of impulses from nerve cells in the brain to muscles; this means that any exercise that challenges both the brain and joints can help maintain mobility, muscle strength and independence.

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What Our Clients Says About Us

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